Art, Artists, Painting, Drawing and Art Mediums. Observations from a late starting artist.
Scarefishcrow's Articles
August 15, 2008 by Scarefishcrow
Oh, obviously I'm not the obsessive compulsive blogger since I don't seem to get here very much.  In fact, it seems other people come here more often than I do.  I apologize for that.  I also have to admit that I expected the worst when I, for reasons I cannot yet fathom, started this blog becasuse "I could" and it was "free", or at least I had paid for it somewhere along the line already.  I'm not  quite sure which one but I don't suppose it really matters. I confess...
August 15, 2008 by Scarefishcrow
Oh, obviously I'm not the obsessive compulsive blogger since I don't seem to get here very much.  In fact, it seems other people come here more often than I do.  I apologize for that.  I also have to admit that I expected the worst when I, for reasons I cannot yet fathom, started this blog becasuse "I could" and it was "free", or at least I had paid for it somewhere along the line already.  I'm not  quite sure which one but I don't suppose it really matters. I confess...
July 11, 2008 by Scarefishcrow
As those unfortunate enough to have been lured into this blog have probably already figured out, I have no idea what or why I'm doing this except that everybody else seems to have a BLOG and I feel....Well, sort of like I must not be a "complete" person if I don't have one.  Notwithstanding that I probably have absolutely nothing profound to say and generally produce considerable amounts of verbage telling people that read this that fact. The curious thing to me is that peop...
July 7, 2008 by Scarefishcrow
I always wondered why otherwise sentient life forms would subject themselves to (well deserved) public ridicule by succumbing to the seemingly innocent temptation to "Create Your Own Blog For Free Here".  Somehow I think it is related to the passé phenomenon of CB radios where normally modest people would say the dumbest things when you stuck a CB radio microphone in their hands.  They (I) transformed into some unrecognizable persona seemingly oblivious to the fact that the...
July 5, 2008 by Scarefishcrow
Whether you are just learning, a professional, or simply interested in Art and Artists, then you absolutely must visit the most outstanding cyberforum for Artists, ! Started in the late 90's and now with nearly 150,000 registered members (registration free) and nearly 7 million threaded posts online, this site provides a veritable grab bag of resources for artists and art lovers, with channels that specialize in virtually every conceivable area of art and art medium....