I always wondered why otherwise sentient life forms would subject themselves to (well deserved) public ridicule by succumbing to the seemingly innocent temptation to "Create Your Own Blog For Free Here". Somehow I think it is related to the passé phenomenon of CB radios where normally modest people would say the dumbest things when you stuck a CB radio microphone in their hands. They (I) transformed into some unrecognizable persona seemingly oblivious to the fact that the entire world can (and is) listening to every stupid thing they say.
So went my first foray into blogging. It seemed so simple. I can handle this. Why not give it a try. I've written web pages and worked with computers, what could go wrong??
What could go wrong is to proudly produce a table that includes a ton of hyperlinks for the browsing pleasure of anyone that stopped by. Who figured anyone would actually look? Of course it would have been nicer if, when some did, that the elaborately crafted set of links actually WORKED, which they didn't.
So, now I've repaired those nasty little links that did not work before. I have carefully plucked one by one from my soft hide the well deserved darts, tossed by those that did drop by, deriding (as I probably would have, were I inclined to sarcasm or satire) my totally useless table of links.
So, do I do what any sane person would do in this situation, delete this entire mess and disappear back into blissful anonymity? Noooooo. I write another entry to this Blog explaining publicly what a complete idiot I am for not having done what even the most computer illiterate simpleton probably would have done: CLICK ON YOUR OWN LINKS, STUPID, AND SEE IF THEY WORK BEFORE YOU HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON. (Spell check doesn't hurt either.)
I should have stuck to CB radios. At least your stupidity was evident only to other CB'ers within a radius less than 5 miles.
Until next time!